Across the Behavior Change Continuum: Assessment of Return to Fertility Messages and “Asma’s Story” within the Healthy Fertility Study

Publish Date: September 2013
Author: Chelsea Cooper, Salahuddin Ahmed, Nargis Akter, and Dipika Shankar Bhattacharyya
Language: English

The Healthy Fertility Study (HFS), conducted in Sylhet Division in the northeastern part of Bangladesh, assesses the impact of integrating family planning (FP) within a community-based maternal and newborn health (MNH) program. Behavior change and community mobilization activities within the study aim to increase postpartum contraceptive uptake, and build community support for FP use during this critical period. As a key component of the approach, behavior change messages presented in a printed “return to fertility” leaflet with a fictional story (“Asma’s story”) were designed to address gaps identified in knowledge about postpartum fertility return, and to promote increased postpartum contraceptive uptake. This assessment was designed to evaluate shifts in knowledge, approval, intention, and action resulting from behavior change activities that incorporate Asma’s story and the return to fertility messages.

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