Measuring Coverage in MNCH: Testing the Validity of Women’s Self-Report of Key Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions during the Peripartum Period in Mozambique


Despite a growing need to track coverage and quality of high-impact peripartum interventions, currently, nationally representative household surveys conducted in low-income settings primarily measure contact with the health system, shedding little light on content or quality of care. This article describes a study to validate the ability of women in Mozambique to report on facility-based care they and their newborns …

Survive & Thrive Global Development Alliance (brochure)


Survive and Thrive: Professional Associations, Private Sector and Global Health Scholars Saving Mothers, Newborns and Children is a unique and historic global development alliance (GDA) to improve survival rates for women and children around the world. The alliance will mobilize U.S. obstetric, pediatric and midwifery professional associations alongside the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), private sector, and civil society …

Review Suggests Community-based Programs for PPH Prevention at Home Birth Can Achieve High Distribution and Use of Misoprostol


This two-page brief summarizes the findings of an article published in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. “Misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage prevention at home birth: an integrative review of global implementation experience to date” describes an integrative review of published research studies and evaluation reports from 18 programs that distributed misoprostol at the community level for prevention of PPH at home …

Review Demonstrates Very Low Incidence of Side Effects from Magnesium Sulfate


This two-page brief summarizes the findings of an article published in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. The article presents the results of a review of the global literature to document the known occurrences of side effects resulting from magnesium sulfate use. “An integrative review of the side effects related to the use of magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia management” …

Misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage prevention at home birth: an integrative review of global implementation experience to date


This article, published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth and co-authored by MCHIP staff, examines methods of distribution of misoprostol at the community level for PPH prevention at home births through an integrative review of published research studies and evaluation reports from programs that did such distribution. Reviewed were methods and cadres involved in education of end-users, drug administration, distribution, and …

An integrative review of the side effects related to the use of magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia management


Despite compelling evidence for the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia management, concerns have persisted about its safety and potential for toxicity, particularly among providers in low- and middle-income countries. An article in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth co-authored by MCHIP staff mitigates these concerns, establishing magnesium sulfate as the drug of choice in these cases and as part …

Taking Care of a Baby at Home After Birth: What Families Need to Do


This flipbook contains key messages that pregnant women and their families need in order to plan care of an infant at home right after birth. It focuses on essential actions families can take both to prevent newborn death and illness and to promote healthy newborn development. This material encourages use, whenever possible, of skilled birth attendants and clinical services and, …

Maternal Health: LAC


Brief on MCHIP work in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve maternal health by increasing efforts to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage, conducting formative research on the determinants of high cesarean birth rates, promoting pre-eclampsia guidelines, and improving service capacity and quality as well as midwifery education. (Availalbe in both English and Spanish.)

WHO Recommendations on Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage: Highlights and Key Messages from New 2012 Global Recommendations

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In March 2012, the WHO held a Technical Consultation on the Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) to review current evidence and to update previously published PPH guidelines. The new guidelines combine previous documents to address both prevention and treatment—recognizing the importance of integrated care. This brief summarizes key messages from the new WHO guidelines, with a focus on …