Malaria Communities Program

The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) launched the Malaria Communities Program (MCP) on 14 December 2006. Through 20 awards to 18 partners in 12 countries, PMI supported efforts of communities and nongovernmental organizations to combat malaria at the local level. MCP increased local and indigenous capacity to undertake community-based malaria prevention and treatment activities; built local ownership of malaria control for the long-term in partnership with communities and National Malaria Control Programs (NMCPs); and extended coverage of PMI and NMCP interventions to reach a larger beneficiary population.

Key Activities
MCHIP provided administrative support (creating reporting guidance and providing data for PMI’s reports) to PMI and technical assistance (phone and email contacts and reviewing workplans, draft reports, data collection tools, and analysis plans) to every grantee. MCHIP also conducted trainings in program design and monitoring and evaluation, behavior change communication, sustainability planning and assessment, integrated community case management, and malaria in pregnancy.

Key Results

Although not required by PMI, with MCHIP assistance, 15 projects conducted household surveys which allowed them to quantify increased outcomes, which are illustrated in the chart below:

In addition, many grantees showed significant achievements in:

  • Prompt care-seeking for appropriate malaria treatment;
  • Percentage of children under five sleeping under an insecticide treated bed net; and
  • Percentage of mothers receiving at least two doses of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine pyrimethamine during their last pregnancies.

With assistance from MCHIP, grantees created and strengthened linkages between communities and facilities through implementation of supervision systems, referral mechanisms, and a range of BCC activities to increase treatment seeking.