Chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care: game-changer for newborn survival?


Published in the inaugural issue of the Global Health Science & Practice journal, this article was co-authored by MCHIP staff and highlights chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care as a simple technology with the potential to prevent 500,000 global neonatal deaths annually. To read the open source article, click here.

Taking Care of a Baby at Home After Birth: What Families Need to Do


This flipbook contains key messages that pregnant women and their families need in order to plan care of an infant at home right after birth. It focuses on essential actions families can take both to prevent newborn death and illness and to promote healthy newborn development. This material encourages use, whenever possible, of skilled birth attendants and clinical services and, …

Newborn Health: LAC


Brief on MCHIP work in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve newborn health by participating in the LAC Alliance, addressing quality improvement, promoting south-to-south learning, and supporting the scale up of evidence-based methods to address the most pressing neonatal health risks. (Available in both English and Spanish.)

Delayed Clamping of the Umbilical Cord to Reduce Infant Anaemia

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In the 2012 WHO Recommendations for the Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage, WHO reiterates its previous recommendation of waiting to clamp and cut the umbilical cord following the birth of the baby. The purpose of this briefer is to describe the benefits of the intervention and why it is not currently being used, so that delayed cord clamping can be …

Informal meeting on provision of home-based care to mother and child in the first week after birth


Three years after the 2009 joint statement from WHO and UNICEF recommended home visits for newborn care during the first week of life, 30 of 58 African and Asian countries have a related policy. This report, from a February 2012 meeting, captures the experiences implementing these programs and the context of postnatal care in which these visits are happening.  

MCHIP Azerbiajan Final Report


Close out report for the MCHIP/Azerbaijan program, covering the period March 2011 – April 2012.

Guide for Implementation of Helping Babies Breathe


This resource provides guidance on implementation of Helping Babies Breathe as a program for neonatal resuscitation in low-resource settings. It is a tool for advancing sustainable national programs for newborn and maternal health and, ideally, should be integrated into existing related training. It is available in both English (December 2011) and Spanish (December 2012).

Interventions for Impact in Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care: Asia Regional Meeting Report 2012


The 2012 Asia Regional Meeting on Interventions for Impact in Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care was designed to assist country programs, donors, and governments in developing and implementing comprehensive and innovative programs to address public health priorities in maternal and newborn health. This report reviews the remarkable progress that is being made by the Asia region in moving toward achieving …