This two-page brief highlights key points from the final evaluations of nine Child Survival and Health Grants Program projects that ended in 2011.
Summary of Rapid CATCH Indicators from Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) Projects Ending in October 2011
This report is intended to share Rapid CATCH and other select project data generated by USAID’s Child Survival and Health Grants Program projects that ended between October and December 2011. Eight of the nine projects focused on maternal, newborn and child health, while one focused on tuberculosis control.
Technical Quality Assessment of Operations Research Protocols: Child Survival and Health Grants Program
This evaluation assesses the relevance and quality of 24 Child Survival Health Grants Program concept papers on operations research studies submitted to MCHIP and USAID. Attachment Size OR-Concept-report.pdf 340.91 KB
Operations Research for Accelerating Results toward Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths
Brief highlighting work testing 30 innovative community and health system solutions in underserved, vulnerable populations across 23 countries. Attachment Size OR-Innovation-Brief.pdf 601.92 KB
Kenya: A Case Study on How Centrally Funded CSHGP Grants Contribute to National Programming and Mission Priorities
This case study aims to highlight seven Child Survival and Health Grants Program nongovernmental (NGO) partners in Kenya implementing projects from 1999-2010. It depicts how the effective collaboration between USAID, international NGOs, and the Kenyan Ministry of Health influenced and supported the development, implementation, and refinement of Kenya’s community health strategy. Attachment Size Kenya-CSHGP-case-study.pdf 1.02 MB
Child Survival and Health Grants Program: Technical Reference Materials – Quality Improvement
Technical reference materials are a product of the Bureau for Global Health, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition Child Survival and Health Grants Program USAID/GH/HIDN/Child Survival and Health Grants Program. These guides are not an official policy for practice; rather, they are basic everyday summaries to be used as field reference documents. Attachment Size Quality Improvement TRM.pdf 721.6 KB
Community-Based Tuberculosis Prevention and Care
This international handbook for nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations (CSOs) is designed to serve as a primer for those considering joining the fight against tuberculosis (TB). It provides information on TB and how it is prevented, diagnosed and treated; how TB programs work on the ground; how communities and CSOs can get involved; and special populations that need extra attention. Included are …
Child Survival and Health Grants Program: Technical Reference Materials – Social and Behavior Change
Technical reference materials are a product of the Bureau for Global Health, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition Child Survival and Health Grants Program USAID/GH/HIDN/Child Survival and Health Grants Program. These guides are not an official policy for practice; rather, they are basic everyday summaries to be used as field reference documents. Attachment Size SBC-TRM-2014.pdf 575.28 KB
USAID’s Child Survival and Health Grants Program: Highlights from Final Evaluations in 2011
This two-page brief highlights key points from the final evaluations of nine Child Survival and Health Grants Program projects that ended in 2011.
Child Survival and Health Grants Program: Technical Reference Materials – Maternal and Newborn Care
Technical reference materials are a product of the Bureau for Global Health, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition Child Survival and Health Grants Program USAID/GH/HIDN/Child Survival and Health Grants Program. These guides are not an official policy for practice; rather, they are basic everyday summaries to be used as field reference documents. Attachment Size MNC_TRM.pdf 748.57 KB