Tuberculosis Control Programming for PVOs: Facilitator’s Manual


The purpose of this manual is to assist PVOs/NGOs to organize and facilitate a course on tuberculosis control programming for PVOs/NGOs at the country or regional level. The curriculum is designed to prepare PVO/NGO and partner staff to implement high-quality tuberculosis control programming, including diagnosis, case finding, drug supply, information analysis and use, working with partners, communication issues, incentives and …

Child Survival and Health Grants Program Technical Reference Materials


Technical Reference Materials (TRMs) are a series of modules designed to reflect the essential elements to be considered when implementing the given intervention or strategy—important resources that CSHGP grantees should consult when planning their interventions. The TRMs are also the standard technical materials for USAID Population Health and Nutrition Officers around the globe. The TRMs are regularly updated with state-of-the-art …

Nutrition Program Design Assistant: A Tool For Program Planners


This tool includes a workbook and reference guide and is designed to help program planning teams—including those designing Child Survival and Health Grants Program or Title II food security program proposals—in the design of the nutrition component of their programs. The design assistant provides guidance on how to compare and contrast approaches and select the most appropriate combination of community-based nutrition …

C-IMCI Program Guidance: Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses


An overview of the community-based integrated management of childhood illnesses (C-IMCI) framework consists of three elements and a multi-sectoral platform that focus on specific behaviors and practices of health workers and caregivers of young children. Included in this document: the history of C-IMCI’s development, its elements, benefits and rational for use.

Community Case Management Essentials: A Guide for Program Managers


Known as community case management (CCM) of sick children, this approach utilizes trained and supervised community members linked to facility-based services to deliver life-saving interventions for sick children, in partnership with their families. Health program managers are introduced to the basics and readers are guided through the process of designing and managing a high-quality CCM program.

Community-Based Family Planning eLearning Module


This Internet-based curriculum is adapted from the Basics of Community-Based Family Planning Training Curriculum. The eLearning module is used by program managers and USAID mission staff who are implementing and backstopping community-based family planning programs across the globe. This two-hour course provides participants with essential information such as community-based approaches that extend family planning services, components of community-based family planning …

Basics of Community-Based Family Planning Training Curriculum


This curriculum is designed for middle to senior level managers working in family planning (FP) or interested in integrating community-based family planning programming into their current project(s). This curriculum explains the key elements of a quality community-based family planning program and technical and programmatic concepts of FP service delivery. The facilitator’s guide, participant’s guide, and related presentations can be found in English …

The Minimum Activities for Mothers and Newborns (MAMAN) framework


MAMAN is based on the essential maternal and newborn care interventions and comprises the basic, minimum high-impact MNC interventions that should be implemented within a health program. The MAMAN framework comes with a core set of indicators, to track and report on the progress of the minimum package of maternal and newborn interventions. The framework also includes a questionnaire and …