Testing innovative maternal, newborn, and child health approaches to serve vulnerable communities: USAID’s partnerships with 14 International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) through the Child Survival & Health Grants Program in 16 countries


This brief provides an overview of the international nongovernmental organizations-designed innovations currently supported by the Child Survival and Health Grants Program, and the operations research poised to advance policies and strategies at the national and global levels.

Community Case Management Essentials – Treating Common Childhood Illness in the Community: A guide for program managers


This Guide provides an overview of and evidence for community case management (CCM), and introduces a results framework as an organizing principle to guide decision-making for planning and managing CCM. The Guide also describes how to conduct a situation analysis and accomplish each of the four intermediate results of the results framework. Download the guide here.

Tools and Resources Available Through the MCHIP PVO/NGO Support Team


Through its MCHIP Private Voluntary Organization (PVO)/Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Support Team and the Child Survival Collaborations and Resources (CORE) Group, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has facilitated the development of tools and resources that assist local organizations and Ministry of Health (MOH) teams to design, monitor, evaluate and implement maternal and child health (MCH), family planning, HIV/AIDS …

Child Survival and Health Grants Program Health Systems Strengthening Technical Reference Materials


This Technical Reference Materials (TRM) document is intended to serve as a basic introduction to Health System Strengthening (HSS) issues relevant to community-based child survival (CS) and health programs, and to facilitate access to key resources in each of the areas defined as Health System (HS) building blocks. In-depth technical, as well as contextual information is needed to apply many …