Case studies from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Communication for Polio Eradication: Improving the Quality of Communication Programming Through Real-Time Monitoring and Evaluation
Drawing on evidence from Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Nigeria, this article examines how the Global Polio Eradication Initiative utilized monitoring and evaluation data to focus and improve the quality and impact of communication activities.
Testing innovative maternal, newborn, and child health approaches to serve vulnerable communities: USAID’s partnerships with 14 International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) through the Child Survival & Health Grants Program in 16 countries
This brief provides an overview of the international nongovernmental organizations-designed innovations currently supported by the Child Survival and Health Grants Program, and the operations research poised to advance policies and strategies at the national and global levels.