This presentation includes a summary of key results, conclusions, and preliminary recommendations from the MCHIP Mozambique QoC study results report.
Comparing Estimates of Child Mortality Reduction Modeled in LiST with Pregnancy History Survey Data for a Community-based NGO Project in Mozambique
Using results of a recent review of evidence for community-based child health programming, a search was conducted for NGO child health projects implementing community-based interventions that had independently verified child mortality reduction estimates, as well as population coverage data for modelling in LiST.
Building on the Current Evidence to Strengthen Community-Based Service Delivery Strategies for Promoting Child Survival
This document highlights four community-based delivery strategies that are common in most reports that have demonstrated improvements in child health in high-mortality, low-resource settings. These findings should be of interest to district-level managers, Ministry of Health offi cials, national-level policy makers, and donors.