A Joint Process Documentation of the Scale-Up of the Helping Babies Breathe Initiative in Bangladesh and Malawi

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Over 60 countries have introduced HBB but relatively few have attempted a national rollout. Interventions such as HBB must be implemented at scale in order to achieve impact at the population level, but this introduces a set of system-related challenges that are not faced during small-scale trials. Improved understanding of the science of scale-up is crucial to achieving population-level impact. …

A Process Documentation of the Scale-Up of the Helping Babies Breathe Initiative in Malawi

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Over 60 countries have introduced HBB at some level but relatively few have attempted a national rollout. Interventions such as HBB must be implemented at scale in order to achieve population-level impact, but this introduces a set of system-related challenges that often are not faced during small-scale trials. Improved understanding of the science of scale-up is crucial to achieving impact …

A Process Documentation of the Scale-Up of the Helping Babies Breathe Initiative in Bangladesh

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More than 60 countries have introduced HBB at some level, but relatively few have attempted a national rollout. Interventions such as HBB must be implemented at scale in order to achieve impact at the population level, but implementing at scale involves system-related challenges that often are not faced during small- scale trials. Thus, improved knowledge of the science of scale-up …

Report on the Feasibility of Measuring the iCCM Task Force Indicators through Existing Monitoring Systems in DRC, Niger, Madagascar, Senegal, South Sudan and Zambia

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The Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) Task Force (TF) proposed a list of 48 indicators to guide governments and partners in monitoring and evaluating national iCCM programs. The iCCM TF undertook a review process to determine the number of indicators being reported by country programs, and opportunities and challenges related to measuring indicators not being reported. This report supports the …

Lessons Learned from a Preliminary Analysis of the Scale-Up Experience of Six High-Impact Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Interventions

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This brief primarily illuminates the study of six high-impact reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions in 18 settings, supported by MCHIP between 2008 and 2013. For each intervention, there are three case study countries (and global efforts to scale up misoprostol for postpartum hemhorrage prevention) where MCHIP participated in scale-up efforts.

Prospects for Effective and Scalable Community – Based Approaches to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

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A team convened by MCHIP reviewed the evidence related to how effective community-based delivery approaches (including community engagement and empowerment) have been in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health, MCHIP’s experience in supporting such approaches, and how such approaches might be scaled up for long-term, sustainable impact.

MCHIP Technical Summary: Quality of Care


This paper highlights five key quality measurement and improvement approaches and tools developed and/or used in MCHIP’s work: Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R) for quality improvement (QI) of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) services Quality of care health facility assessments for measurement of the quality of facility-based maternal and newborn health (MNH) services Regular Appraisal of Program Implementation …