Equity Matters: Lessons from MCHIP and CSHGP in Measuring and Improving Equity

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MCHIP worked with the Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) to provide technical assistance and to share grantees’ experiences and expertise within MCHIP programming. Key to achieving impact at scale is making sure that interventions reach those who need them most and there is equitable distribution of coverage across socioeconomic, ethnic, gender, and other population groups within countries. This …

RMNCH+A Highlight Series – Using Data for Action: Scorecards and Dashboards to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Jharkhand


While India has made significant progress in reducing maternal and child deaths, rates of progress within the states and districts are unequal. The RMNCH+A strategy emphasizes the effective use of data for planning and implementing interventions to reduce health disparities. A national child survival scorecard using data from national and state surveys was prepared. Dashboards based on the GOI’s health …

Maternal Health and Infectious Diseases: A Technical Update

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As global progress continues in reducing deaths in women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the first six weeks postpartum, all maternal and newborn healthcare providers will need to be able to identify and manage the infectious diseases most likely to affect their patients. This technical brief highlights basic information and key elements on selected maternal infections and offers updated guidance about …

Building alliances for improving newborn health in Latin America and the Caribbean

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The Pan American Journal of Public Health included an MCHIP co-authored article in its special issue on “Health in the Americas.” The article – entitled “Building alliances for improving newborn health in Latin America and the Caribbean”—presents the findings from an analysis of the regional Latin American and Caribbean Neonatal Alliance and national neonatal alliances in Bolivia, El Salvador and …

ICM Congress 2014 Partograph Side Meeting Report

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The aim of the Partograph Side Meeting was to reach a consensus on future research, education and practice priorities for improved application of the partograph, based on the findings from the “Realist Review” and midwives’ survey.

Handwashing in the Perinatal Period

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The purpose of this literature review and synthesis of qualitative research studies from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Kenya is three-fold: To report on a systematic review of the biomedical literature regarding handwashing in the perinatal period in low- and middle-income country contexts. To synthesize the information available from the MCHIP- and USAID-funded qualitative research studies on the motivators and barriers, and …

Handwashing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Korogocho (Nairobi) and Bondo (Nyanza)


This assessment evaluates the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers of infants under 28 days of age and of health care providers in two disparate, but resource-poor settings in Kenya: a rural area in Bondo (Nyanza) and Korogocho slums (Nairobi). The findings showed that new mothers in urban slums and rural areas do not have sufficient knowledge or do not …