Malaria Communities Program: Building Community Capacity in Malaria Control


The Malaria Communities Program (MCP) was launched on December 14, 2006. Through 20 awards to 18 partners in 12 countries, the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has supported efforts of communities and nongovernmental organizations to combat malaria at the local level. This document highlights the first of four case studies highlighting program results, and describes how MCP grantees built community capacity …

MAISHA Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care Study: Tanzania


A series of MCHIP health facility surveys on quality of care (QoC) focus on the frequency and quality of interventions that address the direct causes of maternal and newborn deaths, and act as key sources of information for policymakers and other stakeholders in country. The Tanzania reports—on labor and delivery, and antenatal care—highlight areas of relative strength as well as significant gaps …

Estimation of National Coverage of Uterotonic in the Third Stage of Labor: Report of the Meeting of the Expert Panel (Mozambique)


To attempt to overcome the lack of national coverage data for the key intervention of uterotonic in the third stage of labor, in consultation with WHO, from April to June 2013 MCHIP piloted a rapid estimation exercise in three countries—Mozambique, Tanzania, and one state in India. After an initial desk review, MCHIP worked with the MOH and in-country technical organizations …

Uterotonic Use Immediately Following Birth

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It is widely accepted that the most effective intervention for preventing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the administration of a uterotonic to a woman immediately following delivery. However, few countries currently have data on the percentage of births that receive a uterotonic. In 2012, the WHO Recommendations for the Prevention and Treatment of PPH included guidance that “monitoring the use of …

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in the Ethiopia


This analysis is based on the 2011 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Ethiopia. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning (FP), and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in the Philippines


This analysis is based on the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from the Philippines. It summarizes key findings related to birth and pregnancy spacing, fertility return, unmet need for and use of family planning (FP), and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Family Planning and Immunization Integration: Reaching postpartum women with family planning services


Offering family planning services to postpartum women through infant immunization contacts is “one of several promising ‘high-impact practices in family planning’ identified by a technical advisory group of international experts.” This brief focuses on deliberate efforts to integrate postpartum family planning and infant immunization services, and integration of these services through routine immunization contacts.