Antenatal Corticosteroids for Threatened Preterm Birth (job aid)

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Giving women Antenatal Corticosteroids (ACS) has been identified as a highly effective intervention to improve newborn outcomes. The attached tool—aimed a clinicians, implementers and trainers—gives explicit guidance about when to give ACS, and clearly states the correct drugs, dosage, and timing to administer. Also available are two complementary resources: Advocacy briefer: addresses how and why ACS administration should be scaled …

Administration of Antenatal Corticosteroids (technical briefer)

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Giving women Antenatal Corticosteroids (ACS) has been identified as a highly effective intervention to improve newborn outcomes. The attached technical briefer describes the proper clinical use of Antenatal Corticosteroids (ACS) to improve outcomes for preterm newborns. Also available is a complementary advocacy briefer—available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese—addresses how and why ACS administration should be scaled up in developing countries, …

Administration of Antenatal Corticosteroids (advocacy briefer)


Giving women Antenatal Corticosteroids (ACS) has been identified as a highly effective intervention to improve newborn outcomes. An updated ACS advocacy briefer (available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese) is coming soon, and addresses how and why ACS administration should be scaled up in developing countries, and highlights its value as an effective intervention to save newborn lives. Also available …

Postpartum Family Planning Toolkit


This toolkit provides a comprehensive collection of best practices and evidence-based tools and documents on postpartum family planning (PPFP) developed through the ACCESS-FP Program and continued under the MCHIP project. The toolkit will assist policymakers, program managers, trainers, and service providers to develop and implement effective service delivery approaches that address the family planning needs of the postpartum women they …

Quality and Humanization of Care Assessment: A Study of the Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care Delivered in MozambiqueÕs Model Maternities

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This QoC report from Mozambique summarizes the findings on antenatal care (ANC) and Labor & Delivery Care from observations of 525 deliveries and 303 ANC consults in 46 facilities (17 facilities currently in the MOH’s Model Maternities Initiative and 29 in the future expansion plans for the initiative). Data tables are available in a separate file below.

Quality and Humanization of Care Assessment: A Study of the Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care Delivered in Mozambique’s Model Maternities


This QoC report from Mozambique summarizes the findings on antenatal care (ANC) and Labor & Delivery Care from observations of 525 deliveries and 303 ANC consults in 46 facilities (17 facilities currently in the MOH’s Model Maternities Initiative and 29 in the future expansion plans for the initiative). Data tables are available in a separate file below.

Matching Supply with Demand: Scaling Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Tanzania and Zimbabwe


In order to improve voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) service uptake and target demand creation activities more effectively, clients currently accessing and receiving VMMC services should be better characterized by their demographic, socioeconomic, and sexual risk behaviors. This case study of VMMC programs in the Iringa Region of Tanzania and in Zimbabwe describes both the age distribution of clients accessing …

Addressing equity and reaching the underserved and unreached in India


An article by MCHIP staff on “reaching the unreached” in India was published in a book of proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Public Health. The article, entitled “Addressing equity and reaching the underserved and unreached in India,” focuses on MCHIP’s work to improve the coverage and quality of immunization services through support to the universal immunization programme (UIP). The …

Guyana Cervical Cancer Prevention Project: Close-out report

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In October 2008, the ACCESS-FP Program, MCHIP’s predecessor program, expanded and supported cervical cancer screening and treatment activities in Guyana. Following on the success of those efforts, MCHIP’s involvement in Guyana began in October 2010 to assist USAID in scaling up and strengthening cervical cancer prevention for women who are HIV+ as well as for women from the general population. …

Respectful Maternity Care Toolkit

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This package of materials is designed to provide clinicians, trainers, managers and other stakeholders involved in the provision of maternity care with the tools necessary to begin implementing RMC in their area of work or influence. This toolkit contains program learning documents, such as surveys and briefs on country experiences, training materials, tools to assess and improve RMC within programs …