WHO Policy Brief for the Implementation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy using Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP)


Based on an evidence review, WHO updated its recommendations on IPTp-SP as outlined in this brief. The brief notes that “IPTp-SP is an integral part of WHO’s three-pronged approach to the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy, which also includes the use of insecticide-treated nets and prompt and effective case management.”

Review of National-Level Malaria in Pregnancy Documents in 19 PMI Focus Countries

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With support from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), MCHIP conducted a review of malaria in pregnancy related policies, guidelines, training and supervision materials in 19 PMI focus countries (Angola, Benin, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The review aimed to: Understand what is included in national-level reproductive health …

Measuring Coverage in MNCH: Testing the Validity of Women’s Self-Report of Key Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions during the Peripartum Period in Mozambique


Despite a growing need to track coverage and quality of high-impact peripartum interventions, currently, nationally representative household surveys conducted in low-income settings primarily measure contact with the health system, shedding little light on content or quality of care. This article describes a study to validate the ability of women in Mozambique to report on facility-based care they and their newborns …

Survive & Thrive Global Development Alliance (brochure)


Survive and Thrive: Professional Associations, Private Sector and Global Health Scholars Saving Mothers, Newborns and Children is a unique and historic global development alliance (GDA) to improve survival rates for women and children around the world. The alliance will mobilize U.S. obstetric, pediatric and midwifery professional associations alongside the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), private sector, and civil society …

New vaccine introductions: Assessing the impact and the opportunities for immunization and health system strengthening


To showcase recent developments and new directions in global immunization, the peer-reviewed medical journal Vaccine has published a special supplement this month on the Decade of Vaccines (DoV). As a member of a WHO ad hoc working group to the WHO Scientific Advisory Group of Experts examining the effect of new vaccine introductions (NVIs) on immunization and health systems, MCHIP …

Applying an Equity Lens in the Decade of Vaccines


To showcase recent developments and new directions in global immunization, the peer-reviewed medical journal Vaccine has published a special supplement this month on the Decade of Vaccines (DoV). MCHIP, Save the Children, WHO, and UNICEF co-authored the article “Applying an Equity Lens in the Decade of Vaccines.” Emphasizing the importance of addressing the inequities in immunization, this article sets forth …

Moving Forward with Strengthening Routine Immunization Delivery as part of Measles and Rubella Elimination Activities


To showcase recent developments and new directions in global immunization, the peer-reviewed medical journal Vaccine  published a special supplement in April 2013 on the Decade of Vaccines (DoV). MCHIP and WHO staff authored the article “Moving Forward with Strengthening Routine Immunization Delivery as part of Measles and Rubella Elimination Activities.” While there have been debates for decades about whether mass vaccination campaigns …

Chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care: game-changer for newborn survival?


Published in the inaugural issue of the Global Health Science & Practice journal, this article was co-authored by MCHIP staff and highlights chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care as a simple technology with the potential to prevent 500,000 global neonatal deaths annually. To read the open source article, click here.

Voluntary medical male circumcision and adolescents: An opportunity for nurses to contribute to an HIV-free generation


Co-authored by MCHIP staff, this article makes the case that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services—which target healthy, HIV-negative males, especially adolescents—provide an important opportunity for provision of preventive health services with this population. In particular, VMMC services present a chance to offer these young men HIV testing and counseling, and screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, as well …