Quality of Care: Health Worker Line Listing


Part of a series of MCHIP Quality of Care tools, this document is used to produce a list of all health workers who provide services to mothers and newborns at the facility where observations will occur. It also captures medical qualifications of the staff and assigns individual code for each health worker for use in the survey.

Introduction to the Maternal and Newborn Quality of Care Surveys


A series of MCHIP health facility surveys on quality of care (QoC) focus on the frequency and quality of interventions that address the direct causes of maternal and newborn deaths, and act as key sources of information for policymakers and other stakeholders in country. This document provides information on the background, study objectives, and methodology of these surveys.

Malaria Protection in Pregnancy: A lifesaving intervention for preventing neonatal mortality and low birth weight


This paper synthesizes information and key findings from recent studies highlighting the critical importance of continuing intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (IPTp) with sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) as well as insecticide treated bed net (ITN) use among pregnant women to prevent the adverse consequences of malaria in pregnancy (MIP). It also includes information on implications for MIP programs. (Available in English …

Community-Based Tuberculosis Prevention and Care: Why and How to Get Involved


This document is designed to serve as a handbook, or primer, for nongovernmental and civil society organizations that are considering joining the fight against TB. It provides information on: TB and how it is prevented, diagnosed, and treated; How TB programs work on the ground; How communities and CSOs can get involved; and Special populations that need extra attention. It …

Strengthening Health Management Information Systems for Maternal and Child Health: Documenting MCHIP’s Contributions


As part of it its efforts to improve the quality of maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) care in low-income countries, MCHIP has taken specific steps to improve the monitoring of MNCH services through strengthening routine HMIS. These efforts have led to better monitoring and evaluation, higher-quality data, and informed decision-making in 28 countries across MNCH interventions. Ongoing efforts to …

MCHIP Azerbiajan Final Report


Close out report for the MCHIP/Azerbaijan program, covering the period March 2011 – April 2012.

Why children are not vaccinated: a review of the grey literature


This article summarizes the findings of numerous local studies of factors hindering higher coverage, and analyzes insights from 130 grey literature documents and roughly prioritizes factors associated with non- or under-immunization. It also proposes the characteristics of the most effective studies on reasons for under-immunization and notes how many of the factors are intertwined. The article is based on a review …

Guide for Implementation of Helping Babies Breathe


This resource provides guidance on implementation of Helping Babies Breathe as a program for neonatal resuscitation in low-resource settings. It is a tool for advancing sustainable national programs for newborn and maternal health and, ideally, should be integrated into existing related training. It is available in both English (December 2011) and Spanish (December 2012).