Behavior Change Communication & Community Mobilization Within the Healthy Fertility Study


The Healthy Fertility Study (HFS) in Bangladesh integrates postpartum family planning (FP) within a community-based maternal and newborn health (MNH) program, which has demonstrated results in reducing newborn mortality. This brief highlights the key components of the HFS Behavior Change Communication and Community Mobilization Strategy, which is a core component of the HFS approach. The strategy aims to promote recommended MNH …

Community and Health Worker Perceptions and Preferences Regarding Integration of Other Health Services With Routine Vaccinations: Four Case Studies


Case studies on integration of routine vaccination and other maternal and child health services from four African countries—Kenya, Mali, Ethiopia and Cameroon—published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Highlights related knowledge gaps among community members and health workers. To read the abstract and download the article, click here.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in Bangladesh


This analysis is based on the 2007 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Bangladesh. It summarizes key findings related to pregnancy spacing, fertility return and family planning (FP) for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in Kenya


This analysis is based on the 2008–09 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Kenya. It summarizes key findings related to pregnancy spacing, fertility return, family planning (FP) use and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in Liberia


This analysis is based on the 2007 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Liberia. It summarizes key findings related to pregnancy spacing, fertility return, family planning (FP) use and opportunities for services during the period from the last delivery through two years postpartum.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in Uttarakhand, India


This analysis is based on the 2005–06 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Uttarakhand, India. It summarizes key findings related to pregnancy spacing, unmet need, fertility return, family planning (FP) use and contact with key services for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Family Planning Needs during the First Two Years Postpartum in Bihar, India


This analysis is based on the 2005–06 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Bihar, India. It summarizes key findings related to pregnancy spacing, unmet need, fertility return and family planning (FP) use for women during the period from the last birth through two years postpartum.

Interventions for Impact in Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care: Asia Regional Meeting Report 2012


The 2012 Asia Regional Meeting on Interventions for Impact in Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care was designed to assist country programs, donors, and governments in developing and implementing comprehensive and innovative programs to address public health priorities in maternal and newborn health. This report reviews the remarkable progress that is being made by the Asia region in moving toward achieving …

Quality of Care for Prevention and Management of Common Maternal and Newborn Complications: Findings from a National Health Facility Survey in Rwanda


This survey augments the existing literature on maternal and newborn health in Rwanda by including both knowledge tests and direct observation of care against standard checklists in both antenatal care and labor and delivery care, rather than collecting data through routine household surveys. The purpose of the survey is to generate information to quantify the need for and guide the …

Imunizasaun Proteje Labarik: Baseline Assessment Report


The Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Threshold Project on Immunization (MCC-TPI), Imunizasaun Proteje Labarik (IPL), supports the MOH in Timor-Leste to improve immunization coverage through the government health system. The project is administered by John Snow Inc. via USAID’s MCHIP project. Funded through a USAID Threshold Grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Imunizasaun Proteje Labarik (IPL) project (2011-2013) is assisting the …