Global Status Report


All 2011 and 2012 Global Status Report downloadable files are available below. 2012 Global Status Report on PPH and PE/E 2012 Progress Report (Full Report) 2012 Progress Report (Short Report) 2012 Progress Report_Short Report (High Resolution) Appendix 1: Global Surveys of Scale-Up of National PPH and PE/E Programs in English, French and Spanish Appendix 2: Completed Global Surveys of Scale-Up …

Pilot Introduction of Oxytocin in the Unijectª Injection System During Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL) at the Institutional Level in Honduras


This report evaluates the acceptability and feasibility of introducing oxytocin Uniject for active management of the third stage of labor. The Ministry of Health of Honduras (MOH) identified oxytocin in the Uniject™ injection system (oxytocin in Uniject) as a potential part of its strategy to address high mortality from postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to the system’s benefits of being single-dose, …

Pilot Introduction of Oxytocin in the Uniject™ Injection System During Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL) at the Institutional Level in Honduras


This report evaluates the acceptability and feasibility of introducing oxytocin Uniject for active management of the third stage of labor. The Ministry of Health of Honduras (MOH) identified oxytocin in the Uniject™ injection system (oxytocin in Uniject) as a potential part of its strategy to address high mortality from postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to the system’s benefits of being single-dose, …

Qualité des soins pour prévenir et traiter l’hémorragie du postpartum et la pré-éclampsie/éclampsie : une évaluation fondée sur l’observation dans les hôpitaux de Madagascar

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Médecine et Santé Tropicales has published an article co-authored by MCHIP entitled “Qualité des soins pour prévenir et traiter l’hémorragie du postpartum et la pré-éclampsie/éclampsie : une évaluation fondée sur l’observation dans les hôpitaux de Madagascar.” (The title in English is: “Quality of care to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia: an observational assessment in Madagascar’s hospitals.”) To guide the …

Triptico Plan de Parto (“Birth Preparedness Plan”)


This birth preparedness plan is an abbreviated form of the Libreta de la Mujer Embarazada y del Recien Nacido, which guides expectant mothers through their birth preparedness plan, and also includes danger signs to guide their decision making in seeking health care on time and avoiding emergencies. From MCHIP’s community interventions work in Paraguay.