Successful Practices to Increase Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Ghana


This brief highlights Ghana’s efforts to combat MIP from 2007–2010; specifically, its success in dramatically increasing uptake of IPTp. The brief targets policymakers, program managers and health care workers as countries work toward increasing IPTp uptake as a core component of MIP control.

MCHIP Technical Summary: Integration of Service Delivery


MCHIP and Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) grantees have implemented and tested integration models for replication and scale-up in a range of countries. They have promoted service delivery integration at the community level using community health workers and volunteers; integration of family planning with other MNCH services, including immunization; integration of maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) …

Monitoring coverage of fully immunized children


In this MCHIP co-authored article published in the journal Vaccine, the authors designed and distributed a mini-survey to assess the status of monitoring coverage of fully immunized children (FIC) in 19 Eastern and Southern African countries. To read the article abstract, click here. (Note: Access to the full article requires a subscription.)

Guidelines for Estimating National Coverage of Interventions for Maternal and Newborn Health

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MCHIP developed a rapid estimation methodology that attempts to address the lack of national coverage data for key maternal and newborn health (MNH) interventions. The methodology has been tailored to measure the following interventions: Use of uterotonic (oxytocin or misoprostol) for PPH; Use of magnesium sulfate for SPE/E; Application of chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care; and Administration of antenatal corticosteroids …

A Review of the Maternal and Newborn Health Content of National Health Management Information Systems in 13 Countries in Sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia


To understand the current status of national health management information system (HMIS) capacity to capture indicators of the content and quality of antenatal care and labor and delivery services in priority USAID countries where MCHIP works, and to gauge the scale of work yet to be done to improve the utility of health management information systems, MCHIP conducted a desk …

Findings from the use of a narrative story and leaflet to influence shifts along the behavior change continuum toward postpartum contraceptive uptake in Sylhet District, Bangladesh


The journal Patient Education and Counseling published the MCHIP co-authored article, “Findings from the use of a narrative story and leaflet to influence shifts along the behavior change continuum toward postpartum contraceptive uptake in Sylhet District, Bangladesh.” The article describes a study in Sylhet District, Bangladesh, that explored knowledge and perceptions about postpartum return to fecundity and used the Steps to …

Lessons Learned from the Scale-Up Experience of Six High-Impact Interventions in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

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One of MCHIP’s cross-cutting themes was to support governments to bring high-impact health interventions to scale. This review draws on 18 case studies involving MCHIP support to scale up six health interventions. The research team conducted desk reviews for each case study based on project documents and published and gray literature, supplemented by in-country teams’ self-assessments of progress in institutionalizing …