Knowledge, Practice and Coverage Tool


The Knowledge, Practice and Coverage survey tool (KPC) is designed to be used for rapid small population household surveys for integrated programs that are linked to communities. It is a flexible tool that allows for surveys to be tailored to various technical areas and combination of areas, while maintaining standards for collection of information for specific interventions. The KPC is …

Lot Quality Assurance: Protocol for Parallel Sampling


CORE Group’s Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group developed several guidance documents to help program managers implement a Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) parallel sampling methodology. The methodology enables the efficient collection of information from different sampling groups in the same area at the same time with an adequate sample size for each indicator.

Humanitarian Pandemic Preparedness/Community Planning and Response Curriculum


Partners in the Humanitarian Pandemic Preparedness (H2P) Initiative were able to use developed training curricula for community planning and response in order to minimize morbidity and mortality. The curriculum has separate tracks for district/community leaders and for first responders (community volunteers and workers) at the community level. In addition, comprehensive emergency preparedness and response planning guidance and templates developed for …

Positive Deviance/Hearth Essentials


This document identifies several elements that are essential to the implementation of an effective PD/Hearth program. Experience repeatedly shows that these elements cannot be adapted, modified or skipped altogether without seriously diminishing the effectiveness of the program.

Tuberculosis Control Programming for PVOs: Facilitator’s Manual


The purpose of this manual is to assist PVOs/NGOs to organize and facilitate a course on tuberculosis control programming for PVOs/NGOs at the country or regional level. The curriculum is designed to prepare PVO/NGO and partner staff to implement high-quality tuberculosis control programming, including diagnosis, case finding, drug supply, information analysis and use, working with partners, communication issues, incentives and …

Positive Deviance/Hearth Materials: A Resource Guide for Sustainably Rehabilitating Malnourished Children


A Positive Deviance/Hearth Nutrition Program (PD/Hearth) is a home- and neighborhood-based nutrition program for children who are at risk for protein-energy malnutrition in developing countries. The program uses the “positive deviance” approach to identify those behaviors practiced by the mothers or caretakers of well-nourished children from low-resource families and to transfer such positive practices to others in the community with …

The Rapid Health Facility Assessment (R-HFA)


The R-HFA was originally designed for use by nongovernmental organizations within the Child Survival and Health Grants Program, but as the Malaria Booster Initiative experience has shown, it is also suitable for use by District Health Management Teams. It is a relatively rapid instrument for measuring a small set of key indicators to give a “balanced scorecard” for maternal, newborn …

Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Guidance: FAQs


The LQAS FAQ document was produced by the CORE Group Monitoring and Evaluation working group as a result of a technical advisory group (TAG) meeting held in August 2008, in which practitioners developed new guidelines for parallel sampling in order to improve the quality of monitoring and evaluation efforts.

The Rapid Household Survey Handbook: How to Obtain Reliable Data on Health at the Local Level


This manual is designed to help health managers understand the why and the how to of rapid health surveys. It’s targeted to managers within civil society organizations (or nongovernmental organizations), leaders of government health districts, as well as health program monitoring and evaluation officers or managers of regions or districts in which programs are implemented. The manual also enables such …